Wednesday, January 04, 2006

my little sister

It's amazing how one day she's that annoying little rugrat who you can't bear to be around for extended periods of time... but then before you know it she's your best friend who you can't bear to be away from for extended periods of time.


-When she was born, which I remember, I was so excited that when she fell asleep I'd purposely wake her up because I wanted Betsey-Elaine time. Somehow I'd always end up getting in trouble; she'd open that giant boca of hers and scream bloody murder. I have that effect on people.

-That shrill whine that cracks glass and easily beats out the sound of fingernails down a chalkboard. No contest.

-Corrupting her- aka getting her legit drunk for the first time- at Holy Cross. From that point on she always argued that she had my tolerance. Then she'd throw up and have a hangover for 3 days. (see below)

-That one time at Holy Cross (spring 2005) when she visited, ended up feeling "under the weather", and then when she stood up she did a 180 degree spin on one foot and landed flat on her back. I laughed and laughed.

-Being unable to control our laughing fits in church. We are clearly 19 and 23 going on 4 and 8. Very mature.

-When she visited me in Sevilla, wanted to take a picture of a bunch of bulls in a field, got out of the car, and the bulls all started running away from her. She whined and ran down the road with her camera poised for action. Needless to say, now she has a nice collection of pictures of bull bums.

-And my personal favorite (and probably hers as well): last year, trying to get back from a HC basketball game for the 2 hour premiere of Alias. As we got off the highway exit (literally 3 minutes from my house), I ran out of gas (sadly, not even for the first time- who remembers the bus back up junior year at the High School? Oh yes... that was allllll me!). Elaine decides she's going to get out and PUSH the Cadillac with her Herculean strength because we know there's a gas station just over the hill. So she's out back trying to push the giant car in her bubblegum pink sneakers... meanwhile I try to start the car again... and succeed! It starts and the car starts moving. Clearly I can't brake for Elaine because that runs the risk of the car stopping again. I watch her get smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror... so I yell desperately out the window, "Elaine... RUN!!!" So she's running down the road (limping too, due to a bad knee) I lean over and open the Cadillac door and Elaine leaps (very ungracefully) into the moving car in a fit of laughter. We get over the hill on fumes and coast downwards towards the gas station. The lights are off. It's very much closed. Those 15 minutes of laughter were the best ab workout I've ever had. (side note: thank you Todd for bringing us a gallon of gas)

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