Thursday, December 01, 2005

fun with numbers

We're going to play a little counting game.. ready?

1 is for the number of presentations I have left to give

2 is for the weeks remaining until break, when, upon arrival to JFK, I will fall into a heap and have to be wheeled out to the car in a luggage carrier. And then I'll make my dad stop at 11pm at the same sketchy rest stop to buy me an ice cream sundae at McD's... it's tradition.

3 is for the number of papers I have left to do.. a nice lil 30 cumulative pages of what's sure to be crap crap crap. On the positive side, at least for my art paper I got to read about how Salvador Dali used to piss himself in bed until the age of eight for the pure joy of doing it.

4 is for the number of exams I have to take, and consequently also the number of times I will get mentally, and possibly even physically, annihilated by them.

5 is for 5:00am, or my average bed time

6-10 is for the number of nervous breakdowns that I predict I've got left in me before they throw me in the loony bin... or better yet before I throw MYSELF in the loony bin.

Um, happy December?

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