Saturday, February 18, 2006


A friend made me take a personality analysis so I'm sharing it... along with my personal analysis of my personality analysis. Catch that? The last one I took had me as a performer who always likes being in the spot light. HAHAHA!!! This one's slightly more accurate I suppose.

Apparently I'm an 'idealist'

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:
-spontaneous (I'm an out of control mo-fo... ya never know what I'm gonna do!)
-ideas (hooray- my brain functions, i guess)
-hearts (I don't understand what this means... but I feel like having multiple is some sort of birth defect...)
-introvert (yeah, probably)

Summary of Idealists:
-Make sense of the world using inner values (there is no making sense of this world- I don't even try)
-Focus on personal growth (I'm currently 5'7... I think I'm done growing though..) and the growth of others (I frequent Borders' self-help section- psych! jk!)
-Think of themselves as bright, forgiving, and curious (hmmm, debateable)
-May sometimes appear stubborn (agreed- no denying that..)

More about Idealists:
Idealists put time and energy into developing personal values that they use as a guide through life. (this is true, although they're not really 'guiding me through life' I don't think...) They may seek fulfilment by helping others improve themselves and often want to make the world a better place (smiles and puppies for everyone!). Idealists only share their inner values with people they trust and respect. (yep.. sounds about right.. I think approximately 2 people know my mysterious, top-secret 'inner values')

Idealists enjoy discussions about a wide range of topics, (cows, Napoleon Dynamite, and the uplifting effect that chocolate has upon one's soul compose this extensive array of conversation topics..) particularly those that deal with the future. (NOT TRUE... NOT TRUE... NOT TRUE... the future is an invention of the devil!!!) They are typically easy-going and flexible (I'm like an Olympic personality gymnast) but if their values are challenged they may refuse to compromise. (I think I just give in- I have the spine of a jellyfish)

In situations where they can't use their talents (???) or are unappreciated, Idealists may have trouble expressing themselves (I feel... I feel... I don't know how I feel..) and withdraw (where's my cave?). Under extreme stress, Idealists may become very critical of others (eh, at times... you stupid jerk), or lose confidence in their own ability to cope. (true- although alcohol is a decent provisional coping remedy)

Recognition for their work is important to Idealists (a little positive reinforcement never killed anyone...); however, they are also good at spotting false praise. (don't lie to me, biatches... I can sense your DECEPTIONS)

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