Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I really have nothing to write about... other the fact that I'm bitter that it's cold out and even more bitter that I haven't seen the sun in way too many days. WTF Spain? WTF??? I just want to be able to sip a coffee or chug (ahem... sip slowy, responsibly, and moderately) a chilled brew outside in the sun. Throw in a little snackie to go along with them and you've got yourself a nice little afternoon ahead of ya. If with others, converse... or stare awkwardly... whatever. If alone, a good or even mediochre book does the trick. I bring a book and pretend to read it... but really I'm just people-watching. It's a shame I left my sunglasses on the plane on the way here after Christmas because they were big and PERFECT for discreet stalking. (RIP Target shades... you're greatly missed) But it's all about just enjoying the great outdoors... the great urban-planned, cosmopolitan outdoors anyway. Hmm a Cosmo doesn't sound so bad right now either now that I mention it. So let's go Mama N... stop PMS-ing and let the nice weather that you so cruelly dangled in our faces just a week ago come back because you're seriously crampin' my style. Biatch.

1 comment:

justacoolcat said...

Most of the States have been cold the last few weeks, atleast we have Target.