Wednesday, February 15, 2006

choosing favorites

I am officially retiring my formerly favorite Spanish word... which has had its reign since high school when we learned the imperfect tense. It was 'acababa'... because it just sounded so exotic.. like it's straight out the Middle East. Images of camels and magic lamps and turbans filled my young imagination (ok ok... so I was like 17... don't judge!) Moving along...The base verb, acabar, doesn't do anything for me... but put it in 1st or 3rd person imperfect tense? WOW. It's like candy in my mouth. I used to say it, obnoxiously, over-enthusiastically, and in a strange voice that definitely wasn't my own and that I didn't use for any other purpose... just for fun. I really had a great verbal time during my relationship with acababa, despite the confused stares and pointing fingers. I'd just say 'ACABABA!' and then the soundtrack from Aladdin would get stuck in my head (doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo dooo.. wonk wonk -everyone know which song I'm talking about? It was also the music for level 1 of Aladdin- the Sega game. I know it was level 1 because I never advanced to that mysterious level 2)... and that little Abu with his little hat and his little shenanigans would get stuck in my heart. (sigh)

Anyway, I will always think fondly of 'acababa,' but as time goes on as it tends to do, people change and move on as well. It's just how life is. Therefore, the new word of choice is 'pantuflas' (=slippers). It's always had a nice ring to it, but lately I've really just fallen for it. It's almost onomatopoeic... but for the sense of touch... or the imagination... or something. Do you get what I'm trying to say? It just SOUNDS fluffy, soft, pastel-colored, and delightful. Maybe it's that soft 'f' instead of those annoying p's shoved in the middle of its English equivalent 'slippers.' Say it.. pantuuuuuflasssss'... it just makes me think of and want big fluffy slippers on my tootsies, a steaming mug of hot chocolate in my hands, and (now that I've got Aladdin in my head) a Disney movie on tv. And it fills me with a strangely serene and nostalgic feeling as it brings to mind the memory of my favorite moo-cow slippers... that my mom threw out (sniff, sniff).


Disclaimer: In regards to my comments in the the entry of February 10, 2006, I would like to make a partial retraction. On this day, in my ramblings about my jeans purchase, I mentioned the smallness of the Spanish population compared to that of the American population with which I am obviously more familiar. This was a humble, subjective, and very generalized opinion for which I have no scientific evidence nor graphs nor pie-charts to back me up. In no way, shape, or form was I making any reference to the stature of Alfonso or Angel. You are both exceptions to the rule and vertically blessed... I'll even go so far to say that you are of the ideal height. I thank God everyday that there are two people in this country who I don't have to look down or bend at the knees to talk to. I will not, however, retract the overall generalization I made regarding the lack of height in the majority of the people I see each day... I stand by that.

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