Thursday, February 02, 2006


There is a magical bar, in the distant Madrid district of Arguelles, that plays hiphop music every Wednesday night. Ahhh it felt like college- kind of like a night at Foobar, except 5 times the size and without the beer pitchers. The hoards of slutty Amerian sorority girls in impossibly small amounts of clothing... the musical stylings of Black Eyed Peas and Kanye... not feeling like I had to be popping ecstasy to handle what I lovingly refer to as the 'epileptic music' that Europeans seem to enjoy... (sigh) it was American heaven and the beginning of a new weekly tradition.

When the thugging began at midnight, our eyes filled with delighted tears... although, judging by how my clothes smelled afterwards, it could have just been the smoke. Regardless, during the night I managed:
1) get asked if I was a lesbian- I think that was my favorite part,
2) create a new personality for myself - I'm now Polish, I just arrived last week, I'm here on a month-long business trip, and my name is Elizyaya - for the sketchballs,
3) to befriend and then get the business card of two lawyers who also write a blog all about bulls,
4) inhale probably about 8 packs of cigarettes worth of second hand smoke... my voice this morning sounded like it came straight from a 1-900 number,
5) have a blast con mis ninas.

In other news, do we all remember Jose? He who reads hands, studies astrology, and senses vibrations? Well I ran into him this afternoon... almost literally... and had to make up excuses as to why I didn't meet him the day we were supposed to have our 'date,' why I couldn't go out for coffee with him tonight, and why I couldn't give him my phone number. I hate being nice and not being able to say, 'Leave me alone you freak!' Oh well. I guess in the grander scheme of things it's better to be too nice than too bitchy. But don't worry, he asked some random person for a pen and wrote down his celly number. So if anyone wants their hands read by a full fledged whack job, just let me know... I've got his digits and his address.

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