Wednesday, September 14, 2005


This evening, we went to a bullfight in a town outside of Madrid. On the ride back, one of the kids who took us got to talking how a bullfight is the only show/spectacle in the world right now where an animal is legally killed. And it got me to thinking, what would happen if some law was passed and they just did away with bullfighting altogether.

Bullfighting, first of all, would never fly in the US. Animal cruelty groups would chain themselves to the gates before that ever happened. But here, where bullfights are held several times a week, it's just another part of life. It's something traditional. And everything, from the music of the band to the process of a bullfight, down to the white handkerchiefs that are waved in approval (or disapproval) of a torero's performance.

Sitting and watching, I can't help but be, at times, somewhat disgusted and sad when I think about the death of an innocent animal through what I'm sure is a very uncomfortable process. But then again, I am at the same in awe of everything else. The atmosphere of a bullfight is amazing. The music, the families, the shouts of "ole!", waving white handkerchiefs, the unity of an entire crowd behind the torero (or the unity of an entire crowd against the torero for a bad performance).

I think it kind of compares to what a baseball game is at home... right down to the baseball being thrown into the stands (today, two bull ears were thrown into the stands by the torero, who earned it based on his good performance). So, to turn things around... what would we do with ourselves throughout the summer if we didn't have Red Sox games? Here, the toreros are of the highest breed of celebrity. At home, hello? I know I've seen an "Ortiz for president" sign... not to mention my childish, awe-struck, and somewhat embarassing crush on Johnny Damon...

So, when people from home ask me, in so many words, how I can live with myself after supporting the death of an animal... it's really just not something you can explain. Without stepping out of your own frame of mind and opening yourself up to new things, and understanding and experiencing Spanish culture and history, honestly... how can you criticize something of such cultural value that has been going on since long before America was even discovered?

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