Wednesday, February 13, 2008

just gettin through the work day...

1. Name someone who can always makes you smile? alfonsito, marky, my familia, dogs

2. What were you doing at 10:00 this morning? moving to our new office... and then trying to make it less hazardous

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? workin'

4. What did you do last night? slept

5. Did you watch the Super Bowl? sadly, i did not

6. Explain why you last threw up? ill

7. What color is your hair brush? purple, i think?

8. What cell phone company do you use? in the states, cingular... in spain, movistar

9. Have you text voted for an American Idol? hell nah

10. Have you ever run out of gas? touchy subject... aka twice. what can i say, i'm a procrastinator by nature and sometimes it backfires.

11. Hot tea or Iced tea? i like it hot and i like it green

12. What was the weather like today? chilly and cloudy

13. Where did your last hug take place? at work

14. What are you excited for? work ending for the day

15. Ever smoked pot? moi?

16. Closest thing to you that is green? box of green tea bags on my desk

17. Last person you spoke to? fabienne

18. Are you very random? quite

19. Do you want to get your hair cut? i think i'm gonna grow it again

20. Are you over the age of 25? gettin' old... i know

21. Do you talk a lot? nope... only if i'm drunk or hyper

22. Do you watch The O.C.? ew

23. Whats your screename? no, you can't stalk me

24. Will people IM you now that you posted it? see above

25. Do you make up your own words? spanglish does wonders for one's vocabulary..

26. Are you ticklish? don't touch me

27. Do you own rollerblades? somewhere in my mom's basement

28. Are your ears pierced? yup

29. Bar soap or body wash? whatever's in the shower

30. Are you a jealous person? sometimes

31. What brand of shampoo do you use? pantene

32. Do you chew on your straws? not obsessively

33. Do you have curly hair? HA!

34. What is the next concert you are going to? no clue

35. Where did you go today? let's see... old work, new work, bar downstairs for a coffee, back to new work, lunch, back to work. WOO!

36. What 1 item do you always pick up at the grocery store? juice

37. What is something you say a lot? holler

38. Last time you wore panty hose? ugh, i hate the word panty.. shudder

39. Red or White Wine? rouge, si'l vous plait

40. Do you think you are pretty? sometimes

41. What are you doing tonight? i love my will & grace reruns...

42. What was your last missed call? mom

43. What should you be doing right now? work

44. Do you have a nickname? betsey has opened up all sorts of opportunities... betsey-wetsey, buttsey, butts, etc.

45. Are you a heavy sleeper? sometimes

46. What are you listening to? regina spektor

47. What is the best movie you have seen in the past two weeks? juno!

48. Is there anyone you like right now? sure

49. When was the last time you did the dishes? i put dishes in the dishwasher yesterday?

50. Did you cry today? so far so good

51. Do you like Chinese food? some

52. How big is your bed? depends where i am

53. Do you know someone with the same birthday as you? not personally, although according to wikipedia there are quite a few of us

54. Laptop or desktop computer? laptop at home, desktop at work

55. How many pictures are hanging in the room you are in? zippo

56. Red Sox or Yankees? red sox, duh

57. Does anyone like you? hopefully not everyone hates me, put it that way

58. Do you collect anything? junk

59. Do you bite your nails? only in moments of stress

60. How many megapixels is your digital camera? i forget

61. Last time you went on a date? do people still call them dates?

62. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? perfect driving record suckaaas

63. Pancakes or French Toast? pancakes

64. What is on your mouse pad? don't have one

65. At what temperature do you put on a jacket? now that i have the cold tolerance of a 90 year old floridian, i'm always cold. how things have changed since i used to go entire winters without wearing a coat...

66. Do You Like Coffee? we have a very intimate relationship

67. How big is your largest television set? um? whichever it is it sure ain't mine

68. Do you know anyone in the military? yep

69. Do you have a globe in your house? maybe somewhere in my dad's basement?

70. Number of pillows you sleep with? 1 or 2

71. Do you make scrapbooks? i did in high school

72. Could you live without a computer? prob not

73. What are you wearing right now? jeans and a yellow shirt. tres interessant

74. What type of watch do you wear? don't wear one

75. Do you prefer Tile or Hardwood Floors? i guess hardwood?

76. Can you play pool? i have strangely good luck for being a shitty pool player

77. Last time you swam in a pool? not too sure

78. Are your nails manicured? never

79. Do you like maps? i LOVE google maps...

80. Tell me a random fact: i spent a long time wanting to be a dolphin trainer and work at sea world

81. Ever have surgery? negative

82. What celebrity do people say you look like? if i DO ook like someone, i hope it's at least a female...

83. What age were your parents when they got married? like 23... YIKESABEE

84. Favorite TV show? 30 rock & arrested development (never gets old)

85. Does your phone have a camera? yup

86. Favorite flavor of ice cream? moosetracks, cookie dough

87. Have you been to Times Square? several times

88. Who will you vote for in the 2008 Presidential Election? i am what can be defined as obsessed with barack obama

89. How many cars have you owned? actually "owned"? zippo

90. Does your car have a bumper sticker on it what is it? no car

91. Favorite quiz on ? no idea what that is

92. Do you know anyone that is pregnant? too many for my liking... some chicks have already hatched

93. Last time you laughed at something stupid? like 5 mins ago

94. What time did you wake up this morning? well, i GOT up around 8:30... woke up every 9 minutes between 7:30 and 8:30 (thank you snooze alarm)

95. Wake up next to anyone this morning? the normal entourage... just a few male prostitutes and a pair of goats

96. Best thing about winter? fireplaces

97. Worst thing about winter? cold, lack of outdoor cafés

98. Do you have siblings? 3

99. Name a couple of favorite colors? green, red

100. What are you doing this weekend? sleeping and maybe a bar crawl?

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