Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Childhood "Things"

Now every person has their fair share of childhood peculiarities that they may or may not share with their friends. My dad, for example, used to play a game with his neighborhood chums back in the good ole days in which they competed to see who could hit their head the hardest on a driveway. Due to a stray pebble, he still has a literal dent in his forehead from this wholesome childhood past-time... but gosh darn it did he win.

Mine? Well other than the whole ambiguous gender issue, there was my obsession with sleeping with all my stuffed animals because a) I really did feel bad if I didn't pay equal attention to all of them and actually feared a revolt, and b) I needed to keep them protected from the mask-wearing robber who was surely on his way to climb up a ladder, in through my window and straight after my beloved stuffed critters.

Then there was my massive sticker and keychain collections, both of which I am still incapable of throwing out. Not to mention my unwavering refusals to put jelly on my peanut butter sandwiches, try new things, and eat anything white (milk, coconut, cheese, etc.). My love of turning a bike upside down and pretending it was an ice cream maker. The "Roadrunner" game I used to play with my sibling, which consisted of running around in a circle in the family room saying "meep meep" "meep meep" as we ran. Then there's my steadfast aversion towards change, as demonstrated by the puffalump show-and-tell incidents as described 2 posts ago; dressing up as a cat for 6 straight years for Halloween; requesting that my mom make me the exact same birthday cake - the one with flattened gumdrop balloons and licorice strings - 4 years in a row... trust me, the list is endless.

Anyway, the Matterns are clearly not alone. By far the best part of my week, thus far, has been learning about Joanne's favorite childhood hobby. So, without further ado, enjoy the inner workings of a young Egnatchik, as narrated via gmail chat:

me: im imagining the egnatchik household

Joanne: haha
did i ever tell you about my hobby
me: hmm im not sure?
5:05 PM Joanne: from the time i was born til about 14 i used to buy huge 11 by 17 size sheets of construction paper
and cut it up in to the tiniest pieces ever
Joanne: and store them in the plastic boxes my dad had to hold slides
me: the pieces of paper???
Joanne: yup
me: o my god
Joanne: i wasnt allowed to throw confetti
i was allowed to make it
me: you sure had enough of it
o my
thats awesome
Joanne: my mom threw it out when i slept i´m sure
me: heeh
5:07 PM Joanne: cuz she always seemed to have a new empty box for me
i also liked to tape things
not grabar
sino scotch
which is fitting, since i have a future in cutting and pasting
me: :)
Joanne: not just things that were ripped
not even taping things together
just cutting a piece and strategically placing in on a piece of paper
5:09 PM me: hahahaahahahaha
this is the best part of my week right here
Joanne: just another reason for you to love me
5:10 PM oh yes,
the confetti boxes needed to be taped
because i didnt want any pieces to fall out
5:11 PM me: naturally

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