Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I used to keep a mental list of random questions to ask people in the event of an awkward silence. People immediately turn to the typical questions like "soooo, what's your favorite movie?" or "soooo, what's your favorite band?" to which the person will either respond with a "oh God, there's so many... I can't even choose" and let that serve as the answer, or will just shoot off a list of 284829 movies or bands which in turn will lead you to want to shoot yourself. Not many people have A favorite band or A favorite movie. So, to avoid these cliche conversations which lead to nothing... here are a few of the questions I used to keep on my list...

What is your favorite feeling/smell/sound?
(Feelings ie things that give you a good feeling: Mmm... waking up before the alarm goes off, looking at the clock, and realizing you still have another hour. Or laying on Mark's front yard at night looking for shooting stars. Or playing with dogs. Favorite smell: banana bread baking in the oven or Sevilla when the orange blossoms are all out. Favorite sound: opening a brand-new cannister of tennis balls... pop!)

What's the funnest thing you've ever done?
(Instant fun: bungee-jumping and flying planes. Long-term fun: adventures in Spain)

What's your first memory?
(I'm not sure which came first... I was approximately 2 and a 1/2 years old for both events. Either going to get a new swing-set with my dad or going in a limousine when I was a flowergirl for my aunt and uncle's wedding.. I have no recollection of the actual ceremony)

How did your family come to America?
(This question is my personal favorite and is normally the recipient of the strangest looks when asked. You can find out some random background on people... like Hannah is 1/32 Native American. Note: this question does not work in Spain.)

What's your favorite cursive letter?
(lower-case z all the way, baby... it's like a party in itself. It's the one and only reason I wish my nickname was Liz or Lizzy instead of Betsey. In addition, my favorite number to write is 4... ok now everybody who cares raise your hands.)

Do you have any weird fears?
(Swiss army knives, birds, back seats of 2 door cars, etc)

Do you have any weird talents?
(I can imitate a baby crying and reach the bottom of my chin with my tongue)

What's your favorite meal of the day?
(Mmm- breakfast!! This doesn't apply so much in Spain either since they clearly haven't caught on to the beauty of breakfast foods.. and no, I don't mean Special K or toast. I miss REAL breakfast food- nothing like diners and b-fasts at the Shack)

What was your favorite age?
(21 was good.. even though I turned 21 in a country that doesn't give a flyin' hoot)

If you could travel anywhere in the world on an unlimited budget and unlimited time schedule, where would you go?
(Current top-runners are Ireland, Germany, Alaska(n cruise), and driving down the whole west coast of the US)

With your brothers and sisters, were/are you a torturer or a torturee?
(Torturer, no doubt. Rhyming about my sister was a prime example: Elaine the pain, her real name is Wayne, she's totally insane, married to Hussein, and so forth. Or the time there was a spider on the ceiling over her bed and she wanted to kill it before she went to sleep... I wouldn't let her turn the light on and said things like "Oh Elaine... settle down... it's not going to fall on you... unless it lets go of its SUCKERS." She screamed in horrified terror.)

If you could pick one super-power, what would you pick?
(Since I'm already infinitely wise and unmatched in physical beauty while harnessing the physical strength and prowess of a lion, I guess I'd have to go with being able to turn into ooze like Alex Mack)

Were you a cute kid or an awkward one?
(I don't feel the need to answer this. I went from really cute to really awkward in a really short period of time.)

What was your favorite tv show as a child?
(Muppets! Interestingly enough, this remains one of my favorite shows as a quasi-adult)

Do you like flying or hate flying?
(Weeee!!! I like everything about it. Did I ever tell you about the time I thought that if I jumped off the top of my swingset with an open umbrella I'd be able to fly? Yeahhh note to all: it doesn't work.)

Well I accomplished what I set out to do--- procrastinate. Ughh studying for exams is soooo overrated.

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