Thursday, March 23, 2006

dumbasses, round 294829

dumbasses 1 and 2 -->

Here is a sampling of today's conversations that show that our domination of the English language is in continuous decline. Hey, like 17th century Spain!! (ba-dump-tschhhh! ..... you know, the drum thing they do when someone tells a joke..)

Joanne: I have... er, I'm tired. I'm going to take a nap when we get back.
Me: Good thing we're taking a coffee before we nap.

(an hour later)

Joanne: Eww! There's a slug on the floor!
Me: A SLUG??? Are you sure??
Joanne: Well, it's got antlers...

Note: No, our apartment is not infested by bugs. It was an isolated event involving an obviously very lost and adventurous bug (and one that beared absolutely no resemblance to a slug). The situation has since been taken care of and we are bugless once again.

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