Thursday, April 10, 2008

what a novel idea

On occasion, I have mentioned half-jokingly the idea of some day writing a book. Unfortunately, I've got a few speed bumps in my way, not the least of which is my attention span and patience, or lack thereof. This unfortunate combination barely allows me to maintain a blog with any degree of regularity, let alone create a 300-page work of literary genius. Plus, nothing has ever come to mind to which I could imagine dedicating myself for weeks, months or even years.

Anyway, this morning we went to the bar for our coffee break, which is really the daily opportunity to release our collective workplace anger so as not to explode and/or resort to violence. In a sudden moment of clarity, the skies opened up, the birds chirped, heaven's angels sang, and I realized the it had been right there in front of me all along- my working experience in Spain! Well, more specifically about my time in the company I work for. Believe me, there's more than enough material.

My nearly two years here have been laden with unusual anecdotes and bizarre characters: the Slovakian intern constantly and unabashedly perusing x-rated websites; the owner's bat shit crazy mother who flies through the office in a whirl of hairspray and Burbury plaid, with her ridiculously small Yorkie tucked under her arm a la Jacobim Mugatu; and, of course, the ridiculous boss, quite possibly afflicted with multiple mental disabilities, that blows Michael Scott outta the water. Seriously.

Really, the only thing left - aside from actually writing it and getting my multi-million dollar book deal - is deciding upon the genre: comedy, drama or tragedy.

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