Thursday, January 24, 2008

Whenever I’m assigned at work to do a travel guide, I end up contracting a severe case of the infectious travel bug. It’s like an itch you can’t scratch, and you spend all your time at work thinking about when and how you could jet off to all the destinations that run through your mind. And then you dream of being a rich retired person or at the very least a jet-setting lottery winner who can just pick up and spend a year just traveling. I would be in my g-l-o-r-y.

Over the past six months I’ve been moved up a few notches in the company hierarchy... which means I don't work much anymore on the more interesting and creative promotional websites (city guides, etc.) Instead I get to work on the company’s commercial websites (course descriptions, text for informational brochures, company descriptions, etc.) and haven’t written a single travel guide since then. Now, however, I’m 25 pages into a guide about Pamplona (our company just bought a school there and needs to promote it) and, along with brushing the dust off of my adjective bank and revving up my creative wit, I am struck with "the bug"... and oh is it ever back with a vengeance.

So I present my “to be visited at some point in life” wish list:

Outside of Spain:
Ireland, Ireland, Ireland
Berlin; Germany in general
Finland (mainly to see the aurora borealis)

In Spain:
Bilbao & Basque Country in general
Cantabrian coastline



In the US:
Niagara Falls
Grand Canyon

Maybe in 2008 I’ll even check a couple of them off!

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